News & Events

Diaconate Ordination of Bro. Saia Fainga’a,

On Saturday. May 13, the feast day of our Lady of Fatima, our SS.CC. brother, Saia Faing'a, was ordained to the order of diaconate by his Excellency, the Most Rev. Peter Loy Chong, Archbishop of Suva.

Bro. Saia’s was ordained along with three brothers from the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart (MSC). The Very Rev. Lane Akiona,, Provincial Superior of the US Province of the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts, attended the ordination. During the ceremony, he vested Dcn. Br. Saia with his dalmatic. Fr. Rich Danyluk, (US-West Region Superior) and Fr. Jeremiah Holland, attended the ordination. They are in Fiji to lead the SS.CC. community's annual retreat.

The Archbishop emphasized the role of a deacon in his homily. Diakonia, as he shared, means that the role of a deacon is to serve the people of God. He also chose the gospel from the Holy Thursday Mass, which is the washing of the feet. He emphasized how Jesus set a example of service when he came down from the level of being God to serve the people. He also shared the roles of the deacon which are: to serve the ministry of the word, to serve at the altar and to serve the common good (reach and speak out on behalf of the vulnerable).

The beautiful liturgy was led by one of the MSC’s parishes.

The ordination was held at the Cathedral of Sacred Heart in the heart of Suva. The Cathedral was packed with family and friends who attend to support the four new deacons.

After the Mass, there was a reception at the Seminary. It was a time for the faithful people of God to socialize and congratulate the newly ordained deacons. Deacon Bro. Saia will serve the people of God at our community Mass here at home and then in the seminary (assisting them with adoration).


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